segunda-feira, outubro 30, 2006

Eu já andei pelos templos Egípcios... e tu?

Your Past Life:
The Egyptian -- You may have spent your past life in the Egyptian temple service. You would sacrifice yourself to fight for the injustices of that time.

6 comentários:

VSP disse...

Eu sou mais

The Poet -- You may have spent your past life as a poet. You were an admired scholar with a gift for creating beautifully flowing verse.

Tem tudo a ver!


Acredita... ;)

hollygang disse...

Até nas vidas passadas eu era um desgraçado:

The Cook - You may have spent your past life as a food servant, preparing and cooking food that was requested by your superiors

Poeta? Egípcio? Sim, sim, vai mas é para a cozinha!

Anónimo disse...

The King -- You may have spent your past life as a member of the royal family. Good fortune and leadership were a part of your daily life.

Pumpa Bai Buscar

Anónimo disse...

The Musician -- You may have spent your past life as the creator of beautiful music. You used your songs as a way to get closer to others.

ha... muito bom... ;)


lá por causa de teres sido musico noutra vida... não quer dizer que ainda o sejas... lololololol

tou a brincar mimo... xim...